The Virginia Film Office connects property owners and filmmakers through our online location library with over 5,000 locations across Virginia.
RIGHT NOW we are seeking suburban homes specifically in/around Roanoke and Salem, VA for an independent feature – the home needs to have a minimum of 3 bedrooms, 2 stories and have 2 bathrooms.
Submit photos of your home for consideration before May 16th and we will mail you a Virginia is for Film Lovers hat or t-shirt!
Photos can be submitted through this link:
Please keep in mind the following:
-there’s a limit of 10 photos per file, they must be in JPEG format and less than 5.00 MB
-we prefer landscape not portrait orientation, if possible
-we prefer photos without models or distracting elements in the foreground
-detail shots (furniture, door knob detail, close ups, etc) will likely not be included in the file
-all filmmaking is agreed upon a case by case basis and your contact information remains private.
We’re ALWAYS looking for authentic, unique, or historic locations…you have nothing to lose!
Shoot us an email at [email protected] or give us a ring if you have any questions!