KdentsTVcasting role in independent teen web series, “Bloodlines”
Role: RICK (Actor able to play mid-30’s, Caucasian). Rose’s deceased dad. Appears as a ghost in Episode 1. Died of an overdose the year Rose was born. Grew up with wealth and was privileged. Rebelled as a teen and young adult and was disowned by his parents and extended family.
Shoot date: Shoots for 1/2 day (at night, outside)weekend of March 21-22, 2021 (rain date March 28-29, 2021)
Rate: $250 for 1/2 day (non-Union)
Instructions: Please email files (Pdfs and video MP4 files) to Katie Kinser at [email protected] with the following information:
Slate Shot: From shoulders-up (horizontal frame), state your full name, age, height, where you reside, and any conflicts you might have on March 21-22 and March 28-29.
Audition: Include dramatic monologue (no longer than 1 minute). Include a reel if you have it.
Synopsis: An heirloom is passed down through the generations of one family, from daughter to daughter. At some point, this family is attacked — and killed — and that family heirloom is stolen. Years later, the same heirloom reappears in the unwitting ownership of another family (thanks to the culprit of said murder), along with its haunted heritage. A girl disappears, and it’s up to the community- or someone else –to figure out why they’re being haunted, who’s responsible, and how they can stop it.