Local, independent filmmakers seek cast for non-union ultra-low budget web series pilot.
DEACON (Working Title): In 1960s Church Hill, a Machiavellian church deacon plays a dangerous game of blood and betrayal in his quest for power.
Director: Dorian Delandro
Writer: Dorian Delandro
DP: Quincy Coppage
Casting Information
Shoot Dates: October 11-13, 2019
Shoot Loc: Richmond, VA
S1 E1 Roles: Deacon Redd, 30 – African American, power hungry church deacon, well-dressed, classy not flashy (Mahershala Ali type), $100
James, 60 – Caucasian, dirty cop (Tommy Lee Jones type), $100
Pat Freeman, 45 – African American, closeted gay pastor (Reg Cathey type), $50
Steve Jenkins, late 30s – African American henchman (sidekick and foil to John Jones), $50
John Jones, late 40s – African American henchman (sidekick and foil to Steve Jenkins), $50
Blue, late 20s – African American male, heavyset bouncer, not too bright, $50
Eugene, 16 – African American, ambitious protégé w/ a conscience, $50
Toddler – African American male, $25
Woman 1, 20s – African American, brown-skinned w/ Afro/natural hair, street sexy, $25
Woman 2, 20s – African American, brown-skinned w/ Afro/natural hair, street sexy, $25
All talent will receive credit and compensation as indicated with potential to appear in subsequent compensated episodes.
- Include DEACON, your name and the role you’re submitting for in the subject line of your e-mail. Example: DEACON – Ron Williams for Pat Freeman.
- Attach current headshot, resume and link (not an attached file) to reel if you have one. If you have no reel, please self-tape a dramatic scene no longer than 2 minutes and include link in your submission.
- Include the following in the body of your e-mail if it is not on your resume: first and last name, cell phone number, e-mail address, city of residence and role you’re submitting for.
- Send to [email protected].
Submitting does not guarantee an audition. You will be contacted with an audition time and location, if selected.