Non union, unpaid, but will give footage for reels.
Student Short Film: Fleeting Time
Shoot date Mar 20, 2022
Non-union, unpaid but will provide footage to actors for reels.
When faced with death, a young, accomplished Army Specialist rethinks the trajectory of her life.
SPC. Byers (22) and SGT Montoya (23) are stuck behind a sandbag wall waiting to be released from their post. They’ve clearly been there for a while. Byers is on the phone with her loved ones. The satellite phone signal falters and hangs up the call. Byers and Montoya share details surrounding their personal lives as they wait for a call that may never come. However, time is running out as Motoya’s head injury gets worse and Byers struggles to keep him awake.
Character Breakdown
SPC. Byers (22, female) – An army specialist, young compared to peers but what she lacks in age she makes up with her experience, her youth mixed with her continuous movement from one assignment is proof of that. She has a fear of wasting her life, thus, she can forget to enjoy the moment. Ideally, the actress should be able to cry on command.
SGT. Montoya (23, male) – An army Sargent and a teen father, joined the military to provide for his family. He’s a military man, through and through. He is reliable and a hard worker, he and Byers don’t make the most talkative pair but they are efficient, mainly focusing on their work to keep their mind off of their surrounding situation.
Submit self-tape reading the lines of the part you are auditioning for to email: [email protected]
Website for lines: