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RICHMOND – Anne Chapman Casting/VCUarts Cinema Non-Union 35mm Short Student Film Auditions – 5/26th & 5/27 – Paid

Anne Chapman Casting & VCUarts Cinema are seeking 7 actors for ULTIMATE CRAVING QUEST, a 35mm short student film.


Production Company: VCUarts Cinema

Executive Producer:  Penny Adams & Jim Contner

Director:  Alyssa Sims

Producer:  Teddy Dean

Writer:  Antonia Arcella

Casting Director:  Anne Chapman

Casting Associate:  Sewell Brewer

Shoot Dates: Wednesday, June 1st, Thursday, June 2nd & Friday, June 3rd, 2016

Shoot Location: In and around Richmond, Virginia

Audition Dates: Thursday, May 26th and Friday, May 27th, 2016

Audition Location: Richmond, Virginia


Rate: $50-$100 per shoot day, depending upon role, see below.

Each actor will receive a copy of the film upon completion.


Please send headshot and resume to:

[email protected]

Please indicate role(s) you are submitting for in the subject line.  

Include shoot date availability and your travel distance to Richmond.  



SUBMIT current headshot and resume to:

[email protected]

Include the following information:

Role(s) you are submitting for in the subject line


Union Status (Please note this is a non-union shoot):

Contact Information including phone & e-mail:

Audition Date Availability:

Shoot Date Availability:

Travel Distance to Richmond:

Do you have local housing available:

(Depending upon role, lodging might be provided.)


Seeking the following roles:

RICHARD – Any Ethnicity. Male, late 20s – early 30s.  Bright, clean cut and professional.  On the fast track with an exciting career ahead of him and a baby on they way.  Life is sweet.  RICHARD’s nervous energy feeds an almost hyper vigilance towards his lovely, heavily pregnant wife. He has enjoyed every minute of the journey thus far and feels bad about having to leave her alone while on a business trip.  RICHARD plans for every eventuality during his absence.  He can’t wait to be a father.

Shoots 1 day, Wednesday, June 1st.  $50/day

LISA – Any Ethnicity.  Female, mid 20s – early 30s.  A funny, quirky, petite young mother-to-be.  LISA has a quick wit and she laughs at her own jokes, yet can be hard-nosed when called upon.  She gets the job done.  Loves her husband deeply and is excited about the eminent arrival of their first baby.  Talks to herself a lot, but not in a weird way.  With her husband out of town on a business trip, In spite of her “condition” (or due entirely to it) LISA embarks on a journey that will pit her pregnancy cravings against her physical limitations.

Need to be fit and coordinated.  Pregnant actors will be considered. Please include due date if pregnant.

Shoots 3 days, Wednesday, June 1st, Thursday, June 2nd and Friday, June 3rd.  $100/day.  Lodging available if needed.  

LAST KID IN LINE – Any Ethnicity.  Male or female, 6-10yrs.  Very sweet, but quick to ignite a tantrum.  Cheeky with an imp-like quality. Having none of the pregnant lady that is trying to cut in front of them in line at the ice cream truck.  Comic timing and the ability to deliver dialogue a must.

Shoots 1 day, Thursday, June 2nd.  $50/day.  

ICE-CREAM TRUCK DRIVER – Any Ethnicity.  Male, 40+.  Retired.  Loves children and drives an ice-cream truck seasonally to keep busy and be around the joys of children.  Very sweet, remarkably patient and genuinely empathetic, basically the ideal man for the job. Shows great sympathy for LISA’s condition, but can only help so much.  He runs a fare ship and will not play favorites or stand for line cutters.  Children are just as important as adults in his eyes.  He thinks he has the best job in the world.

Shoots 1 day, Thursday, June 2nd.  $50/day. 

SEASONED MOM – Any Ethnicity. Female, mid 30s. Mother to a preschooler with another on the way.  Alpha mom.  Always put together, she has got the mom thing down, or at least, thinks she does.  She is not about to let a newbie like LISA get in the way of getting the ice-cream she needs and deserves.  Her competitive nature is ever present. Always cognizant of the example she is showing her older child, but if she can’t have what she wants, no one else will get it either!

Pregnant actors will be considered. Please include due date if pregnant. Mother’s with preschoolers will be considered, please include photo of yourself with your child and the child’s DOB.

Shoots 1 day, Friday, June 3rd.  $50/day.  

PRESCHOOLER of SEASON MOM – Any Ethnicity. Male or female, 4-7yrs.  Riding in a grocery cart, too old for a pacifier but has one anyway.  Quiet but animated.  Has already figured out how to work around their mother’s eagle eye and take any situation in to their own hands if the opportunity arises.  Independent, smart and mature for their age.

Shoots 1 day, Friday, June 3rd.  $50/day. 

RODNEY/CASHIER – Any Ethnicity.  Male, late teens – early 20s.  No doubt a slacker.  Thinks their job is boring, doing the bare minimum to clock the hours necessary to collect a paycheck.  Comes as a surprise when this minimalist work ethic is challenged by a pregnant lady with a undeniable craving.  Perplexed and somewhat bemused about how to handle the situation, almost cares for a minute, just enough to get this lady out of the shop and back to Reddit.

Shoots 1 day, Friday, June 3rd.  $50/day.

Please send headshot and resume to:

[email protected]

Thank you in advance for your submission!

Submitting does not guarantee an audition; you will be contacted with the audition time and place if selected.