Coney Island is now accepting submissions for future roles including; Lead, Supporting, Featured & Background!
Please follow the submission guidelines carefully & as always do not respond to this post on any casting sites or group pages, but rather the email [email protected].
*You are allowed to comment on the Official Coney Island Page & please share so that we can get over 10K LIKES by July!
Subject Line: Your Full Name(as you like for it to appear in credits) – Do Not Submit A Family Together! Send a different email for each actor.
Attach: Full Body & Closeup Picture(If you are not smiling we need to know if you wear braces.) *Send as a Jpeg Only! Does not have to be professional, but make sure you are well lit in the picture and have your eyes opened. Needs to be a picture of what you look like right now. If you plan to cut your hair, shave, grow a beard, color your hair, etc please let us know!
Email Body: (In the following Order)
Full Name
Age Portrayal (If under 18, actual age)
Email (Make sure it’s one you check often)
Phone # (Do you accept Text?)
Facebook User Name (If you have one)- Also join our cast & crew FB page as well as LIKE our Official Page
SAG-Aftra or Non-Union (Also let us know if you are SAG Eligible)
Clothing Sizes (If you have your own period costume please email a picture. Do not send pictures of costumes you do not own)
City You Live In (Only Union Actors will have housing/travel, all other actors must be local to Richmond, Va or willing to travel w/out reimbursement)
Roles You Are Applying For (Background Only, Speaking Featured Role, Lead/Supporting Only or Any)
*If you are familiar with the plot line of Coney and the future characters we might be casting, you may list a specific character, however, we are not ready to release that character list!
Carpool (Are you submitting with a friend or family member and you prefer to be in the same scene for ride purposes. Although there are no guarantees, please list their names. Each actor will still need to submit themselves individually.
Availability (Please list as many major conflicts that you can think of that you have already committed to if going out for a major role from August 2016 thru December 2016. Not being honest could be cause for dismissal from your role). *Background does not need to do this as we will get your availability as we go along.
Question- I’m already a Coney Actor, do I need to resubmit?
Answer- If you are a lead/supporting character and you filmed during the Demo process then you do not need to reapply. If you cannot continue in your role please let us know. However, if you were Background and/or were originally cast but could not make the filming days and were replaced then you do need to reapply so that we know you are still interested and so we have up to date info on you. Background please let us know what scenes you were in such “Opera House”. Please do not send any info via facebook or thru other emails. Only send to [email protected] and tell all your friends to LIKE our Official Facebook Page so that it will look good to the Networks and of course follow the show’s progress! We want to keep this show in Virginia!
Question- Why are we submitting if a Network hasn’t picked up the show yet?
Answer- We anticipate that a Network will pick up the show sometime in July/August and we want to be ready to start casting actors and filming how many ever episodes they order. Any actual casting calls that we have union rules will be in affect!
ps. Do Not send videos at this time!
Please note that you may not get a response right away from an actual casting director, but we are collecting your info and if we think you fit a role that we will be casting for, we will definitely let you know. Anyone applying to be just Background or a Speaking Role or Background needs to specify that they are willing to accept Background on the show. Currently, the show is being produced as a SAG-Aftra Demo and will be pitched to various Networks for possible pick up. During our Demo phase, all Background was used, however, SAG-Aftra rules may apply once Network picks up more episodes, so please do not show up to set unless you are specifically asked to be Background for a particular day’s shoot. Please make sure this email address is saved in your contacts! Also, make sure that you followed the casting instructions properly or your submission may be thrown out.