Carlyn Davis Casting is looking for talent for a non-union PSA shooting in Alexandria, VA on March 28, 2023. They are currently looking for the following types:
Principal – any gender/ethnicity, 65+
Principal – any gender/ethnicity, 20s-70s – walks with a cane or walker and can walk up approximately 4 steps OR has an upper body physical disability (ie amputee).
For consideration or for more information please email [email protected] with a current headshot and snapshot. If you have a physical disability, please make sure your physical disability is represented in the photos you submit or include a brief note about it in your email.
Please put “PSA Casting” in the subject of your email and include all contact information including phone number in the body of the email. If you do not have a local MD/DC/VA number, please include in which city/state you currently reside in the body of your email.
All submissions must be received no later than 3pm on Monday, March 20, 2023.
They are looking for DC/MD/VA locals only at this time.