The Sundance Documentary Film Program supports non-fiction filmmakers worldwide in the production of cinematic documentaries on contemporary themes. Established in 2002 with founding support from Open Society Foundations, the Program is a vibrant global resource for independent non-fiction storytelling. Recent projects include The Square, The Queen of Versailles, Rich Hill, The Invisible War and The Genius of Marian.
The Sundance Documentary Fund provides grants to filmmakers worldwide for projects that display: artful film language, effective storytelling, originality and feasibility, contemporary cultural relevance, and potential to reach and connect with its intended audience. Preference is given to projects that convey clear story structure, higher stakes and contemporary relevance, forward going action or questions, demonstrated access to subjects, and quality use of film craft.
Categories of granting include:
- Development (up to $20,000):There is no reel required with an application, but clips, teasers, trailers, or images are highly encouraged. A previous work sample is required.
- Production/Post-Production (up to $50,000): Production/post-production grants provide funds to projects offering 10+ minutes of edited material for the project being proposed. The reel should convey the narrative and aesthetic approach for the final film. A previous sample work must also be included with the application.
- Audience Engagement (up to $20,000):Audience Engagement grants provide previously granted projects funding for strategic audience and community engagement campaigns.
- Additional Opportunities by Nomination