FEE: $265
- Two full days of instruction in edged weapons, unarmed, thrusting weapons, firearms, and action oriented filmmaking, S/FX, and editing
- Great facilities
- Lunch provided
- Weapons and Equipment provided
- Workshop T-Shirt included
The staff for The Virginia Beach BASH Stage and Screen Combat Workshop 2018 (March 24 & 25) is set and do they have a fantastic line up for you. They’ve gathered some of the best fight direction, stunt coordination, and action-direction based talent available from the UK, US, Ireland, and Canada.
As always, the BASH will offer an impressive range of weapons, styles, and forms of combat adjusted to stage and screen. Regent University has some of the best facilities available on the East Coast for TV & Film. If you want to learn how to fight for stage and screen; or if you are a filmmaker interested in capturing and treating action (direction, editing, S/FX, sound design) the VA Beach BASH is where you want to be on March 24 & 25.
Register here. Online registration ends March 22nd.
Discounts apply. Group rates are available. Housing is available on campus at The Founders Inn. Be sure to check out the BASH merchandise page. And for those of you looking to renew your SAFD status with weapon or form, be sure to note that when you register. They will accommodate. Theatrical weapons supplied.