Promo trailer shoot seeks active 8 year old boy for lead role.
Casting Call for Elijah and George – A Revolutionary War Feature Film Project. We are shooting scenes for a new Promotional Trailer.
Location: South of Richmond, North of Williamsburg, VA
June 17, 18 & 19 tentative
Character Name: Elijah Paterson
Gender: Male
Age: Born 1768 – 10-years-old in 1778
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Accent: Philadelphia
Thin, medium height. Should length hair. Elijah is dressed in tattered knee breeches, a waistcoat over his work shirt, and torn knee stockings that sag over his worn buckled shoes. He carries a dirty haversack over his shoulder that contains his only possession: a rolled up cloth draughts game, that he loves to play with his Pa.
Main character. This is a very active role, lots of running with his dog Jack. Will be dirty, barefoot. Takes two falls backwards in the dirt / grass.
The impossible adventure begins when Elijah sneaks out of camp to find his Pa: He is chased by a stupid guard, has a sword placed two inches form his face, plays draughts with General Washington, is captured by British soldiers with his Pa and faithful dog Jack.
Please review this page for details of the shoot before submitting.
Good luck!