Local Production company is looking for a part time intern who is interested in learning all facets of movie making including preproduction software, script and shot management, on-set video and audio production etc. This position is intended to lead to being AD or Set Manager on a new feature project to be shot late spring/summer 2023. This is a paid position, however the pay will be minimal, commensurate with working on a low/no budget Indie project. This is an opportunity to learn the hands-on, real world, process of planning, shooting and completing a feature film from people who have successfully completed 7 feature projects in the past 11 years. Hours are extremely flexible but candidates should have most weekends free and be able to commit to 10-20 hours per week. Absolutely no experience is necessary however, applicants must live in the greater Richmond area, be over 18, have their own transportation and be fully vaxxed. Submit requests for interviews to: [email protected]