Milton’s Local is casting for a commercial shooting Sunday, November 11th.
Commercial will be directed by John Shutika
The roles we are hiring for are:
Mom (30-50, any ethnicity) $100 for the half day
Dad (30-50, any ethnicity) $100 for the half day
Daughter (5-16, any ethnicity) $100 for the half day
Son (5-16, any ethnicity) $100 for the half day
Voice Over Artist (20-70, any ethnicity) $100 for the half day
This role may or may not be filled by the same actors playing the mother and father. In the commercial, it will be edited so that it seems this is the voice of one of the parents speaking
The characters above will be portraying the “stereotypical American family”. Think “The Wonder Years”. You’ll be playing games with one another, taking family photos and eating dinner. Performing a monologue that reflects this tone would likely be a good idea.
Please submit the following to [email protected] no later than November 7th:
Role(s) you’re applying for
Confirmation that you’re aware this is a non-union shoot.
Availability for the shoot date.
Distance from Richmond Virginia
Do you have housing available to you in Richmond?
Link to an audition video, perform a monologue of your choice.