Seeking actors for Rings, a non-union short film in Richmond, VA. You may submit by filling out this form:
Writer, Director: Colin Earner
Producer: Kyle Brady
Casting Director: Madison Landis
Rate of Pay: $200/day
Location: Richmond, VA
[LLOYD] 8yo-12yo. Lloyd is a quiet young boy, acutely sensitive to the emotions of the people around him. Although he is anxious and easily frightened, he possesses an explorer’s heart. LEAD
[HENRY] 40s-60s. Henry is a middle aged single father. A stoic figure, he has never entirely gotten over the death of his wife during childbirth and lacks the proper faculties to express his feelings to those around him instead choosing to bury it deep inside himself. LEAD
[DOROTHY] 70s-90s. Grandma is the last surviving matriarch of her family tree. She once was a strong, stylish and independent soul with a fierce love for her family. Her worsening state leads her to act out in volatile and sometimes violently hostile ways to the world around her. LEAD
Story line: A child bears witness to a strange and seemingly sinister family ritual being acted out on their dementia afflicted grandmother involving a strange black ooze coming out of a stump.
Primary Contact
Madison Landis
(757) 603-5656