New Surge Productions at VCU is looking to cast for one of our films, Who Is Beauty! Casting Interest Form due January 12th, 2024!
Interested? Please fill out our form here:
Mary, a content streamer with the alias BEAUTY, tests her sexual appeal with her male-centric audience in order to impress her unrequited crush.
Director’s Blurb:
I want to make this film to show how the sexualization of young women online can lead to their sense of self being warped. It’s something I went through myself, and I know many women can relate to this experience. It’s such a complex topic to dive into, and with a heavy heart, I hope to heal.
Who Is Beauty – Character Breakdowns:
Female, early-mid 20s. Beauty content streamer, becomes obsessed with BEAUTY’s look. Meak, observant, but easily influenced. She is beginning her life as an independent, and not sure what direction to go in. Her online alias, BEAUTY, gives her more confidence, but she tries to keep the two personalities separate.
*Actors must be comfortable with performing sensitive material that includes inferred sexual expressions and gestures.
BRANDON – Unpaid, Non-Union
Male, mid 20s. Barista. Energetic, friendly, and flirty, just enough to get tips. Otherwise an average guy with above average looks and wandering eyes.
MANAGER – Unpaid, Non-Union
Male, mid 20s-late 30s. Manages the cafe Brandon and Heidi work at. Takes his job a little too seriously, and enjoys a good power trip.
HEIDI – Unpaid, Non-Union
Female, mid-late 20s. Barista. Coworker of Brandon at the cafe. Tends to keep her head down while working. Non-speaking, minor-role.
Email: [email protected]