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Norfolk – Seeking actors for student film – April 12-15 – Paid

ACTORS Anne Chapman Casting & ODU Film – seeking 15 actors – Non-Union Short Departmental Film NORFOLK – $125-$150/day



ODU Film Program Non-Union Short Departmental Film

Production Company: ODU Film

Executive Producer:  David P. Mallin

Director: David P. Mallin

Producer:  Sara J. Barger

Writer:  David P. Mallin

Casting Director:  Anne Chapman

Casting Assistants: Katie Lange, Midori Schafer, Eliana C. Ransom

Audition Date: April 3rd, 2019 via self-tape

Callback Date: April 5th or 6th, 2019, final date tbd

Callback Location: Norfolk, Virginia

Shoot Dates: April 12, 13, 14 & 15, 2019 – 2 further dates TBD

Shoot Location: Hampton Roads, Virginia


Rate: $125-150/shoot day

Actor will receive a copy of the film upon completion.



Include the following information in the subject line:


SUBMIT current headshot and resume (and reel if you have one) to:


[email protected]


Include the following information in the body of the email:

Role(s) you are submitting for:




Confirm you are aware this is a Non-Union film:

Age range/DOB if child:



Include your travel distance to Norfolk, Virginia*:

Do you have local housing available to you*:

Confirm Audition Date Availability:

Confirm Shooting Dates Availability:


*Please note, due to the limited budget for travel and/or accommodation for this departmental film, make a note if you have accommodation in Hampton Roads and are available to self-report.


Thank you in advance for your submission!  

Submitting does not guarantee an audition: you will be contacted with an audition time and location if selected.


Storyline: Life changing decisions are made as people evacuate Hampton Roads, Virginia in anticipation of Hurricane Florence’s arrival in Sept. 2018.




ROBERT: Caucasian Male, mid-late 30’s, Linda’s husband, father of Jon and Emma, old school bread-winning conservative, adores his kids, and tolerates his wife. Workaholic tendencies make good cover for a torrid affair.  Expresses love via material extravagance.  Does not understand why he is not entitled to having it all and a bit on the side.  Knows how to take advantage when the opportunity arises.  Just might be running on borrowed time.

**Role requires potential nudity for a tasteful and non-graphic love scene. Confirm knowledge of this when submitting for this role.** 

$150/shoot day.  Shoots 2/3 days. 


LINDA: Caucasian Female, mid 30s.  Robert’s wife.  A vibrant, independent woman.  Frustrated that she has not had the opportunity to pursue her personal and professional goals.  Linda is the primary caregiver of their children Emma and Jon. She knows Robert loves their children deeply, but can rarely rely on him to help with even the most basic tasks.  She suspects Robert is cheating.  Linda wants what’s best for her family and is starting to realize that might not include Robert.

$150/shoot day.  Shoots 2 days. 


DAVID: Any Ethnicity Male, late 20s – late 30s, tall and lanky, hipster with a man-bun.  Smart and spontaneous.  Successful.  An early adaptor who keeps his responsibilities to a minimum.   David loves to travel, getting away whenever he can. He has a wonderfully, optimistic view on life, and neglects to feel the desperation of the moment.  Under similar circumstance others would come across as self-centered, but not David.

$150/shoot day.  Shoots 2 days. 


STACEY: Any Ethnicity  Female, late 20’s – early 30’s, Robert’s coworker, tech savvy, newly graduated, graphic designer who has moved across the country for her first job.  Spunky, bold, irresistible.   Her affair with Robert is purely sexual and convenient due to her demanding work schedule.  No strings attached.  Stacey does not believe in marriage for herself, but is starting to realize she needs to respect the responsibilities of other people’s marriages.  Too young to be cynical, and her naivety could get her in to trouble.   Not in the hurricane evacuation zone and is staying put due to her dog.    Stacey’s dog Zoey is her everything.

**Role requires potential nudity for a tasteful and non-graphic love scene. Confirm knowledge of this when submitting for this role.** 

$150/shoot day.  Shoots 2 days. 


TREY: African American Male, Late 20’s early 30’s. Shauntelle’s boyfriend. A Veteran and model citizen.  Trey is a grocery cashier, but could manage the whole store in his sleep if given the chance. Trey is loyal, calm, easygoing, and rolls with most punches.  Knows how to de-escalate situations as he is pragmatic and a logical thinker.  What would be traumatic to others, Trey is able to manage. Physically fit.

$150/shoot day.  Shoots 2/3 days. 


SHAUNTELLE: African American Female, late 20’s early 30’s. Trey’s girlfriend.  A bit of a busy body, who was a rebellious teen, but has come out the other side unscathed.  Shauntelle is a Type A, who always has a plan. Reacts to obstacles with tenacity and passion.  She will figure it out.  Proves to be a savvy survivor

$150/shoot day.  Shoots 2/3 days.


MIKE: Caucasian Male, late 50s – early 60s. A Veteran living just above the poverty line, an avid hunter.  Never goes anywhere without his MAGA hat.  Recently downsized and only now regretting that decision not to go to college back in the day. Having to rely on public services is a shock to his system and core beliefs.  Mike is opinionated and opportunistic, yet cares deeply for his ailing mother, Norma, and will do anything to keep her out of harms way during the storm.   A bit out of shape, but used to getting his way.  Proud of his concealed carry permit.

$150/shoot day.  Shoots 2/3 days. 


RACHEL: Any Ethnicity Female, 20’s-30’s. Alternative. Rough and tumble lady. Hard ass biker with a heart of gold. Willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Fearless. Very comfortable in her own skin with a distinct fashion sense and vibrant hair.

$150/shoot day.  Shoots 1/2 day. 


EMMA: Caucasian Female, 5-8yrs old. Sweet, bright and very imaginative. Loves to play with her dad, but rarely gets the chance due to his “work schedule”.

$150/shoot day.  Shoots 2 days. 


JON: Caucasian Male. 5-8rys old.  MOS. Adorable, curious.  Not a difficult child but keeps his mother busy.  Would be very happy playing outside all day with his dad.

$150/shoot day.  Shoots 2 days.


KIM: Any Ethnicity Female, 40’s, Trey’s co-worker at the grocery store.  Worried about her family during the storm and hopes Trey will cover her shift.

$125/shoot day.  Shoots 1 day. 


TOW-TRUCK DRIVER: Any Ethnicity Male or Female, 20’s, Busy tow-truck driver.  Only has time for the facts and has to prioritize jobs due to the coming storm.   A bit gruff.  Good at their job but can’t work miracles.

$125/shoot day.  Shoots 1 days. 


NORMA: Caucasian Female, 75+yrs.  MOS.  Mike’s mother.  Ailing. Not the warm fuzzy type. Loves her son but has never told him.  Does not want to have to worry about Mike doing yet another stupid thing, doesn’t have the energy for it anymore and lashes out verbally.

Audition video submission: short improvisation of a mother yelling at her adult son for doing something stupid.

$125/shoot day.  Shoots 1 day. 


OFFICERS: Any Ethnicity Male or female, 30s-50’s, Police officer, fit, no nonsense, juggling lots of balls during the storm evacuation.  Ready for anything at all times.

$125/shoot day.  Shoots 1 day


Thank you in advance for your submission!  

Submitting does not guarantee an audition: you will be contacted with an audition time and location if selected.