Title: Othello-San (short film)
Director: Ted Adams III (Producer: TRI)
Producer: Ted Adams III, Russell Williams II (TRI, Glory, Dances With Wolves) Jai Jamison (Director: TRI)
Filming Location: Washington, DC metro area
Estimated start date: mid-June 2017
NON-UNION submissions accepted
Red Zeppelin Productions is seeking a Japanese-speaking editor to edit a short film. A majority of the film’s dialogue will be in Japanese, with the rest in English. They are seeking a skilled dramatic editor to edit this dialogue-driven short drama.
Storyline: Jason Wilson, a celebrated young African American actor, enrolls at a prestigious theater school in Japan to play the lead role in Shakespeare’s Othello, only to find his dreams of greatness are tempered by an instructor who challenges him to question his reason for being there.
Interested parties should submit a resume, cover letter, and a portfolio or reel in an email to info@redzepproductions.com. Experience editing Japanese productions is a plus, but is not required.
For more information on Red Zeppelin Productions, click here.