Naturally Super High Energy Outgoing Fun Actors
We have one opening for each of the following
$100 for 3 hours
– Asian American
– Woman or Man
– 1st or 2nd Generation Preferred
– 25-55 years in age
– African American
– Woman or Man
– 25-55 years in age
– Hispanic/Latino American
– Woman or Man
– 25-55 years in age
– White American
– Woman or Man
– 30-50 in age
We will be casting this weekend on 3/31/19.
Please send headshot and any video you feel is appropriate
CONTACT: Randolph Jansen
We’re looking for a high energy mixed group of wonderful people for a 3 hour shoot for marketing the game, Mixed Company–
This will involve a straight on shoot, along with various game play videos revolving around an upcoming Kickstarter