The Christian Broadcasting Network is looking to cast two roles for an upcoming project. It is a narrative story focused on a woman who was abused as a child, and the choices she made in search of love. The scenes will be abstract reenactments shot in an open field in Chesapeake, VA. We will have two different shoot dates for the two roles — those dates and times are specified below. Snacks and water will be provided.
ROLE 1: an 8-12 year old Caucasian girl — brown hair, brown eyes
ROLE 2: an 18-26 year old Caucasian woman — brown hair, brown eyes
LOCATION: Chesapeake, VA
DATE & TIME for ROLE 1: September 18th, 3:30 PM — 8:30 PM
DATE & TIME for ROLE 2: September 19th, 3:15 PM — 8:30 PM
PAYMENT: $125.00 total per actor for half day
Please send your resume, headshot, and (if you have one) reel to Ashley Andrews at, if you have any interest or questions.