Calling all Basketball lovers, Television lovers, and everyone in between! Kendall Cooper Casting is now accepting extra submissions for an upcoming TV series from a major streaming service. Filming will be in the Richmond, VA area starting in January and continuing through June 2020.
Production is seeking people of ALL ethnicities, ages, genders, and types to play middle school students, parents, teachers, basketball fans, coaches, and various other characters throughout the season. We want to highlight YOUR unique style and personality in this show.
We are specifically seeking:
– African American Teens ages 13-17 years old
– African American men and women ages 18-25 years old
– Hispanic/Latino children and adults of all ages
– People of all ages with hairstyles such as fades, edge-ups, braids, locks, dreads, twists, afros.
All extra work is paid. No experience necessary. Seeking SAG and Non-Union talent. Local hire only in the Richmond, VA area (meaning no travel or housing is provided). Email submissions are preferred, please send all required photos and info in one email via the instructions below.
There will be an in-person Open Call for people interested in background work on the series. This will be on Saturday, February 1st from 12p – 4p at the Richmond Raceway: 4300 Carolina Avenue, Richmond, VA 23224. You can either come to the in-person Open Call OR submit via email per the instructions below. You do NOT need to do both.
Email: [email protected]
SEND THREE CURRENT PHOTOS: One close-up of face and two full-body photos. Please make sure these photos show your current hairstyle/length and current facial hair, if any.
- Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- City and State you currently live in
- Union Status (SAG or Non-Union – if SAG, please include your SAG number)
- Age or Age Range (also list DOB if underage)
- Height/Weight
- All clothing measurements (Men: suit jacket, pant, waist, shoe Women: dress, pant, shirt, shoe, bust, waist, hip)
- Do you have any tattoos? (If yes, briefly list location and size)
- Do you have any special skills? Please describe (sports, work, military/LEO..etc.)
- Do you have a car for use in filming? If so, what is the make/model/color/year and please send a photo.
Please describe any previous Stand-In experience and list the actor/production. Also, please attach a Headshot/Resume if you have one in addition to your current photos (optional).
** If you have previously submitted your photos and info to [email protected] for projects cast in the RVA area – you do NOT need to re-submit. If you would like to let us know of your interest – please forward your initial submission email to us with a CURRENT photo and tell us you are interested and available to be on this series **
Follow “Kendall Cooper Casting RVA” on Facebook for updated casting notices throughout the season: