No Weapon Productions is holding auditions on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (October 6-8) for ensemble cast members who will be part of a nationally recognized production of “We Don’t Do That Here!” – a 30-minute musical that is designed to eliminate bullying in schools. This premiere ensemble production will be showcased to principals, educators, school district leaders, and the media around the country.
Actors (18+) should be able to sing and move. The cast will be a diverse blend of actors who look like they could still be in high school.
We are casting:
4 Targets – 2 male/2 female (they feel invisible because they’re dealing with bullying)
4 Culprits – 2 male/2 female (think “Mean Girls” or cruel boys)
4 Interveners – 2 male/2 female (confident and self-assured who don’t need others’ validation)
1 Teacher – female or male (caring educator who tries to make every student feel valued; this role does not need to be able to sing)
8 Onlookers – blend of male/female (they are the instigators, until they’re transformed into Interveners)
The performance will be held at the renowned Duke Ellington School of the Arts – in their beautiful theater on Friday, October 21st.
To audition, send headshot and resume to If you have a reel or link of you singing, you may also include that.