Animators Roundtable: Interface Media Group
Where: 1233 20th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036
When: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
WIFV Members Free, Non-Members $10
Creating Visually Compelling Animation for Documentary Film
Brian Monroe, 3D Animator at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, has extensive experience creating 2 & 3D animation for a variety of documentary projects. In the session he’ll go over how depth with image cut-outs, 2D and 3D projection, and subtle post VFX can help bring photos alive and immerse the viewer. He’ll outline strategies in how to make map animations, one of the more commonly requested graphics in docs and educational shows, stand out and still be consistent in the tone and visual palette of the main content. Finally, he will show examples of how simplified and stylized explainers can help break the details of complex subjects down and make these points easier to understand for a general audience. The examples shown will be from his work at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, as well as from his animations on the Smithsonian Channel and for the National Park Service.
About our Speaker:
Brian Monroe is an animator and 3D generalist in the Washington DC area, currently working at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center at the Conceptual Image Laboratory. He works with video producers, writers, and scientists to create content explaining some of the latest findings of our solar system and analyzing the objectives and science being done in the missions specific to Goddard. Brian’s background is in animation for educational and scientific programming and his work has been featured on NOVA, National Geographic, Discovery and, most recently, for Smithsonian Channel and the National Park Service.
His past animation work can be seen on his website,