VPA Filmmakers Showcase – Just 16 Days Left!
The deadline to submit to this year’s VPA Filmmakers Showcase is 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018. Once the clock strikes midnight, no more submissions will be accepted.
The VPA Filmmakers Showcase, produced by the Richmond District of the Virginia Production Alliance, features short films and short table reads from Virginia filmmakers and screenwriters.
Films with runtimes of 10 minutes or less (including credits), and scripts of 10 pages or less (either first 10 pages, a short script, or an excerpt), may be submitted to [email protected]. We accept up to two (2) short film submissions and one (1) script submission.
For the complete VPA Filmmakers Showcase rules, visit http://virginiaproductionalliance.org/vpa-filmmakers-showcase-call-for-entries/.
There are three planned VPA Filmmakers Showcases – in October, November, and January – with awards scheduled to be presented at the annual State of the Industry event in February (pretty good exposure for an event with no submission fee).
If you have any other questions, please email [email protected].
For 30 years and counting, the Virginia Production Alliance has supported the commonwealth’s film and television community by hosting development and networking events for, and providing assistance to, those who create moving images for a living. The VPA is a leading advocate for Virginia’s production community through its lobbying efforts to help pass legislation to strengthen filmmaking across the state.
Whether stopping by to check it out, or seriously considering membership, we encourage you to come to this event, or at least follow the VPA Richmond District on Facebook [www.facebook.com/pg/VPARichmond] to join the conversation.