Dreams Factory is casting for an upcoming television commercial.
Shoot date – Mid December
Shooting location – Richmond VA Metro area.
Compensation – Yes, plus agency fee if applicable
Male with dialogue – Colorful character, lots of personality, good with dialogue, humorous, appear to be between the age of 25 to 40, with the ability to play a physical role, this role calls for being hung upside down, this is the guy who is so extreme he’ll do anything like bungee jump off a rooftop.
Male – 25 to 40 years old caucasian, able to play the role of construction worker type, he’s a big guy, hasn’t done a thing all day, sits around preoccupied, rather lazy and nonchalant about his job, doesn’t pay much attention to his surroundings.
Female – 25 to 45 years old Hispanic, Asian or Eastern European in appearance, she’s a downtown office worker going about her daily meetings and other office duties.
To be considered please email current pictures of yourself, and a self shot video of the roles above to [email protected] Be sure to include your phone number and email address so we can contact you.
Tim Dowdle, Executive Producer
Dreams Factory
1813 East Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23223