*pay TBD to reimburse travel expenses and meals
Casting the short film Everything Under the Sun directed by Maddy Wade
Seeking 1 actor to complete our cast, shooting in Richmond on 4/15 and 4/16
Storyline: A brief exploration of God, loneliness, and love, seen through a young woman who’s just moved from her childhood home.
CLARA – Any Ethnicity, 40s-60s Female. A longtime friend of young Grace’s family, she has a strong faith but an open mind past traditional conservative interpretations of Christianity. When Grace comes to her in turmoil about feelings for her best friend Sarah, a calming presence and thoughtful, Clara provides a divine voice of wisdom and much-needed encouragement.
Supporting: Shoots 1 day April 15th or April 16th, 2023
Submission Instructions:
Please submit to the form below by Friday, April 8th, 2023. Chosen actors will be asked to submit self-taped auditions. Live Virtual Callbacks will be held on Tuesday, April 11th, 2023.
Thank you!