Project is a short film detailing events of the American Revolution, to be played at a history museum. Possible excerpts for web/trailer may be used as well. Usage is all inclusive and in-perpetuity.
All locations are in Richmond or the nearby surrounding area. Exact locations to be communicated to selected talent. All roles are non-speaking. COVID protocols will be followed for this production. Please note specialty skills sought for some of the scenes.
NOTE – Actors / actresses need to be trim / fit physique. Colonists, especially the colonists we are portraying would be farmers, craftsmen who tended to have lean diets and were physical in their occupation given the requirements of daily life in that time.
MALES can NOT have facial hair (no beard, no mustache, no full sideburns) to participate in this project.
Rate is $250 per person per day to be paid directly by the production at the end of each filming day. (For those actors coming for fittings/training, those fees will be paid at the end of the first filming day.)
Here are the anticipated filming dates:
-April 17th Battle of Concord
-April 27th King George III’s royal court
–May (tentatively scheduled for May 22 & 23) Washington’s Camp
Casting for April 17th in the Richmond area (all exterior)
Multiple Males Needed for this scene as follows:
Caucasian male Colonists age 18 to 50 for a battle scene of the American Revolution. See specialty request below
African American male Colonists age 18 to 50
-Ideally these actors would have some experience (preferred) in previous historical productions shot locally or in previous weapon handling
-Actors will handle and fire period muskets and will be given instruction on proper handling and safety. Selected actors will need to be available on April 16th for a couple of hours for instruction of weapon handling and fitting of costuming and equipment. These actors will be paid an additional $100 for this day
April 27th (interior and exterior)
members of King George III’s royal court
-Caucasian males age 18 to 50
-Caucasian females age 18 to 50
May shoot Day #1 (5-22-2021) (all exterior)
Caucasian Females age 18 to 50
Caucasian Males age 18 to 50
Mid May Day #2 (5-23-2021) (all exterior)
African American males ages 18 to 40 to portray the Rhode Island Regiment in Washington’s Army
Caucasian male 8 to 12 years old in appearance
Caucasian males ages 18 to 40
Caucasian females ages 18 to 40
NOTE – multiple talent are needed for each of these scenes.
If you are interested in being considered, please email to casting@liquidtalentgroup.
Full name
Best email
Best phone
Current height
Current weight
Shirt size
Historical weapons experience?
Experience in previous reenactment project?
Also – please indicate availability/interest by day of filming as specified above.
Questions? Let us know!