“Make A Wish” is an urban inspired thriller based on a twisted story that details a woman who avenges her brother’s death.
This movie is filmed in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia.
Directions to Audition: On the day of auditions, be prepared to act out 2 (two) scenes from any movie, play, TV show, or monologue. This can be comedy, drama, emotional, horrific, romance, suspense, it’s up to you! Please limit each scene to three minutes max. You do not have to be experienced. This is to measure if you are really passionate and confident as an actor or actress.
Casting for:
Male Lead 25 – 35 y.o, at least 5’10″ tall, medium athletic or stocky build. This character portrays a gangster, well-known, confident, arrogant demeanor. He is a husband, business man, family oriented, but also possess a dark side.
Older Male 50 y.o. or older to portray the father of Male Lead. Possess wisdom, family oriented, and business oriented.
Males to portray gangsters, party goers.
Females to portray party goers.
EMTs, Police, public officials, etc.
To reserve an audition spot, go to this site: Casting Call for “MAKE A WISH” Film Tickets, Sat, Mar 9, 2024 at 1:00 PM | Eventbrite