Looking for Non-Union and Union Talent for a Student Thesis Short Film in Falls Church, VA. Casting Call Auditions will be Tuesday, May 23rd – Friday, May 26th.
Dirty Dishes is about a dispirited 1950’s housewife who desires a life outside of her home, but must first confront her sink full of dirty dishes. Looking for the following types: Martha – Lead Female, 20’s-30’s, Caucasian or Hispanic, Oppressed 50’s Housewife Roger – Supporting Male, 20’s-30’s, Caucasian or Hispanic, Handsome Businessman Darcy – Supporting Female, 20’s-40’s, African-American/Black, Fashionable, Spirited, Rambunctious Bill – Supporting Male, 20’s-40’s, Caucasian or Hispanic, Rugged/Muscular/Husky build. (Not required, but preferred: Boxing Skills) Nancy – Supporting Female, 20’s-40’s, Caucasian or Hispanic, Traditional and Narcissistic Susie – Supporting Female, 9-12 years old, Caucasian, Innocent and Girly Josh – Supporting Male, 9-12 years old, Caucasian, Sensible and Intelligent For consideration or for more information, please email dirtydishesproduction@gmail.com with your headshot and |