Need several actors for two spots that will be shot in the vicinity of Danville Virginia (about 20 miles) for a local advertiser. Date still being finalized, probably the first week of August. Total buy out of rights.
We need several roles
Non-speaking prime male: 35+ male
Non-speaking prime family: 30+ Female (would consider a couple)
$100 each
It is expected that these roles will take about two to four hours to shoot.
And several single speaking lines. These are very simple…single line…in and out.
1) Family (would prefer a family of four all in one shot), one of which would have a talking part.
2) Teen ager
3) Chef / Restaurant owner
4) Grand mother type
$50 each … may be able to work the prime actors in the other spot into one of these roles. It is expected these roles will take an hour or less.
Award winning director who also works in film, should be a nice piece for your portfolio. Given that the location is a little remote, will consider a gas allowance for those coming from out of the immediate area.
Send head shots or questions to [email protected]