The VFF at Violet Crown Series continues on Tuesday, May 23 with The Teacher, a Slovak-language dramedy set in 1983 in Bratislava, where a new middle school teacher is turning life upside down for parents and students. It slowly becomes clear that perhaps the pupils’ grades are related to how willing their parents are to help her with her errands. The teacher’s high connections within the Communist Party makes everyone feel threatened, but will they dare to go against Miss Drazdechova? The film is from the renowned Czech writer/director team of Petr Jarchovsky and Jan Hrebejk (Kawasaki’s Rose).
The VFF at Violet Crown Series is a year-round, co-curated selection of films presented in partnership with Violet Crown Charlottesville. All screenings in the series will start at 7:30 PM. Tickets are available for purchase here