The VFF at Violet Crown Series continues on Tuesday, June 20th with David Lynch: The Art Life, which explores Lynch’s art, music, and early films, shining a light into the dark corners of his unique world and giving audiences a better understanding of the man and the artist. In candid interviews, David Lynch reflects on his early years, recalling the events and people that have had a lasting effect on him. Through this documentary, the audience tours Lynch’s private compound and painting studio in the hills high above Hollywood. His personal stories unfold like scenes from his films, including strange characters that come into focus only to fade again into the past. The film discovers how Lynch’s art and films are colored by the journey he took as a young artist and the internal struggles that still shape him today.
The VFF at Violet Crown Series is a year-round, co-curated selection of films presented in partnership with Violet Crown Charlottesville. All screenings in the series will start at 7:30 PM. Tickets are available for purchase here