The third annual NOVA Student Film Festival is Friday, April 29th from 6 – 9pm which will feature students’ films from NOVA AND film students in Ethiopia!
5 shorts films from Ethiopia, from the Fulbright program (in Fall 2015) and from US Embassy in Ethiopia “Telling Herstory” Screenwriting workshop, will be featured. The highlight of the festival will be a collaborative film project made by film students from the NOVA Alexandria campus, Film Collaborative International, and my students from Ethiopia from the Fulbright program.
Opening reception at 6pm. Event 6-9pm. Event is free and open to the public.
Friday, April 29th – from 6-9pm – NOVA Alexandria – 5000 Dawes Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22311 – Bisdorf Bldg. Room 196. Parking free in the visitors’ parking and in the B lots.